Oatmeal Milk & Golden Honey ~ Handmade Cold Process Goat's Milk Bar Soap
Oatmeal Milk & Golden Honey ~ Handmade Cold Process Goat's Milk Bar Soap
Oatmeal Milk & Golden Honey ~ Handmade Cold Process Goat's Milk Bar Soap
Oatmeal Milk & Golden Honey ~ Handmade Cold Process Goat's Milk Bar Soap

Oatmeal Milk & Golden Honey ~ Handmade Cold Process Goat's Milk Bar Soap

Regular price $ 8.50 Sale

Oatmeal Milk & Golden Honey~ Cold Process Soap. Indulge your senses with the luscious scent of Oatmeal Milk and Golden Honey 🍯. This bar soap melts into a luxurious, creamy lather, with an abundance of bubbles that will leave your skin feeling nourished and conditioned yet clean. It harnesses the power of two types of milk and real, local honey to soothe and protect your skin, leaving you with a long-lasting feeling of wellbeing that will carry you through the day. Enjoy a luxurious morning shower that rivals the pleasure of breakfast! 

Ingredients: Sunflower Oil, Sodium Hydroxide (Sustainable) Palm Oil, Distilled Water, Coconut Oil,, Castor Oil, Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Colloidal Oatmeal, Kaolin Clay, Goat Milk, Coconut milk, Honey, Sodium Lactate, Tussah Silk, Fragrance Oil, Titanium Dioxide, Cocoa Powder, Mica (Titanium Dioxide)


Disclaimer: Because our soaps are all handcrafted, no two soaps look alike.

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